
Imre Marton Remenyi PhD MA MAS MSc

Psychotherapist and Teacher of Psychotherapy SF

Imre Marton Remenyi was born in Budapest and grew up in Vienna. After graduating from high school, he first studied mechanical engineering before turning to music and becoming an opera singer.

After a key experience, he decided to shift his energy from depicting human disasters to preventing them and became a coach, trainer, organizational consultant, and psychotherapist. He was particularly interested in leadership very early on because it has a great impact on peoples’ lives.

Today he is one of the most sought-after experts on all topics of human coexistence. Companies and organizations appreciate his eye for the big picture.

A frequent client said, “We call Dr. Remenyi … and all is well!”

Whether as Otello or lecturer or speaker:
Imre Marton Remenyi is at home on every stage!